We design and build custom irrigation and fertigation equipment to suit your production technique.
pH adjustment:
Acid / base injection pump.
Redundant pH sensor for security.
Fresh water distribution to zones:
Schedules selected using our control software.
Tank fill:
Level selection in our control menu.
Tank recirculation:
Activated by a user definable schedule.
pH adjustment:
Acid injection pump.
Redundant pH sensor for security.
EC adjustment:
Fertilizer injection venturis.
Redundant EC sensor for security.
Flow sensors in injection loop:
For security, prevents acid and fertilizer injection when no flow is detected.
Flow sensors on the zone irrigation lines:
Alarms would be generated should a failure occur.
Temperature sensor:
Permits monitoring and data recording of the irrigation water temperature.
Irrigation water pressure:
Self-regulating by the use of variable frequency drives.
Tank recirculation:
Activated by a user definable schedule.